Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lovecraft has been shipped.

The new book on Lovecraft is now out and I've got some author copies just yesterday. It's the biggest book I've done for Career and it should be out and in the shops or avaulable to order online as from the 15th August I think. It looks very well and I'd bve interested to hear what people think.

The next book is American Vampires which will be out at the end of the year - we're already going through the edit - which will be out in October. So if you want to read about a vampire chair or vampire plants, there'll be something in this book for you.  There's been a lot of interest in both it and the Lovecraft book already and we're gearing up a number of interviews. So watch out for those.

The Wyoming trip still looks as though it's on for the end of September so those of you who live in the US may get to see what I look like. Fortify yourselves with strong drink now! And there have been a few requests for radio interviews when I'm over so we'll have to see about those as well. Some of you have been asking what comes after American Vampires and the truth is that I don't know. We're considering a couple of ideas but nothing concrete yet.

The publishing world is very slow at the moment. One of the things we're looking at concerns witchcraft in America and I can truthfully say that to the best of my knowldge there's not another book on American Witchcraft like it. But I don't know - it's really up to the publisher.

On the Carnival of Dark Dreams - I now have the book completed and the English publisher is still considering what Andy and I have done. Hopefully that will be out before too long. It's an interesting illustrated book and something a bit different from what I've done before now. But it's difficult for writers at the moment - the markets are so limited and even when your book is accepted, it can a while to get round to publishing it. Just have patience!

I'd better go and get a bite to eat. The Olympics are on over here and the television doesn't seem to have gone off - we've all day coverage for the whole Games - so I'll sit and eat and watch them. And then get back to a new science fiction book that I'm working on. This could be the novel of 2013 or then again it might not. One thing - you never know.


  1. Self-publishing? Digital? Make like E L James? Or is your quality too high for that?! :) Too many illustrations?

  2. This book is being published by New Page Books. More information can be found on the publisher's website
